In an unprecented philanthropic effort – The Giving Pledge – Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, two of the top three richest people in the world have already convinced 40 billionnaires to pledge 50% or more of their fortunes to charity.

Warren Buffet himself has pledged to donate 99% of his fortune (estimated at 47 billions USD) to charity before or at his death.

But, in his typical down-to-earth life philosphy, Buffet clarified that, although he will be giving a humongous amount of money, many other are contributing way more than he doe in the form of support, time, or other type of help.

Check-out Warren Buffet’s pledge letter here

Which brings me to this question:


What can you be contributing more of in the world?


What about more smiles?

Or 5% more presence and love as you adjust your patients?


I’d love to hear what you are commited to contribute more of in the world. Share by leaving a comment on this blog.

Dr. P.

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