Experts remain trusted advisors

because they stay at the top of their game


But frankly, even if you are a very effective practitioner, you probably have other more valuable things to do than dive your nose in arcane scientific journals.

Keep abreast of the most essential ADHD news and trends without spending too much time. Let me be the library rat, filter all information through my 10-years of "in the trenches" brain, and distill you a condensed version of what really matter in your daily practice of taking care of people with brains.

With A.W.E. Monthly, you get a monthly audio report that includes:

  • Relevant scientific research on the natural management of ADHD
  • Relevant popular press articles about ADHD (update your clippings for your information ressources)
  • Update and advances on the way I manage children clinically to get even greater results
  • Monthly marketing strategy, tactic and tips to further advance you on the road to becoming the ADHD Wellness Expert in your community.


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