This week, we continue with the 5 final KEY INDICATOR QUESTIONS:


6. Does the mother have amalgam fillings?

50% of amalgam fillings is mercury, one of the most potent neurotoxins on Earth. Studies have shown that mercury slowly, but surely, leaks out of amalgams over time. And that mercury can pass the transplacental barrier. Always ask the mother how many fillings she had in her mouth at the time she was pregnant and whether she had dental work during pregnancy. If the mother has or had amalgam fillings, make sure you investigate heavy metal toxicity.

7. Has the child been vaccinated?

Vaccines contain lots of pollutant such as formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury (for some). So, if the child has been vaccinated, test for toxic exposure. In susceptible individuals, especially those with an allergic constitution, vaccines can trigger subclinical auto-immune disease that lead to brain inflammation. In that case, don't hesitate to evaluate for immune impairment or involvement.

8. Did the child crawl and go on all four before to walk?

Proper military crawling and going on all four is an important part of neurological development. If the child did not go through those stages, went through them improperly (like crawling on one butt) or went through them too fast, he or she may suffer from neurological disorganization. If that's the case, make sure you add some brain-balancing exercises in your care plan.

9. Has the child received one or more course of antibiotics?

Antibiotics are one of the primary causes of dysbiosis and leaky gut. If the child had one or more courses of antibiotics, evaluate for gut flora and leaky gut .

10. Does the child suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding), especially at night?

Teeth grinding (bruxism), especially at night, can be a sign of parasitic infection. Dr. Michael Lyons, a Canadian Medical Doctor, found that close to 40% of children with ADHD had a parasite infection. If the child has teeth grinding, evaluate for possible parasite (using muscle testing or a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis).


ADHD and other autistic spectrum disorders are complex. There are many pieces to the puzzle. Taking care of these children require upgrading your standards if you want to get the results that those children deserve.

Upgrading your standars and offering a comprehensive approach is not too difficult to do. This is what I teach in the Mentoring Experience, and many doctors who have been through it are able to provide amazing solutions to this children in just a few months.

As always, don't hesitate to ask your questions on the blog.

Dr. P.

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